How to order

Fill out our order form and choose from our adaptive materials:

  • magnets which we recommend for people with dexterity issues

  • Velcro for people who have pacemakers or want to avoid using magnets

  • snap buttons for a more secure attachment

Other details like color preference, which buttons to adapt, and a short description will be collected during this process

1: Place your order

Ship the item to us or drop it off

Within 24 hours of ordering your adaptation, you’ll receive an email confirmation and a separate email with a shipping label.

All that’s left is to box up the clothes and drop it off at your nearest USPS or schedule a pickup from your home.

You can also choose to drop-off your order at one of our community partners. See our locations below.

2: Send us your clothes

Please allow 2 weeks for shipping and 1 week for our adaptation process.

After you receive your clothes, we would love to hear your feedback about our service! We are always trying to improve and value your input.

3: Receive your adapted clothes

Adaptation Eligibility

Our process was designed to adapt items with fabric that can support the weight of magnets (ex. cotton button-down shirts). We do not recommend adapting sheer fabrics since the weight of the additional material can weigh down the front of the shirt slightly. Any item that is opaque when held up to light is generally strong enough to support our materials.

For specific items, reach out to with any questions.